Each of us has two distinct choices to make about what we will do with our lives. The first choice we can make is to be less than we have the capacity to be. To earn less. To have less. To read less and think less. To try less and discipline ourselves less. These are […]

Questions are a critical component in the persuasion process. And there are a multitude of reasons why. Firstly, questions enable you to gain someone’s attention. Have you ever noticed that when someone may be talking to you and going on and on and you find yourself in a position where you’re extremely bored that you

I’ve heard it said countless times that simply thinking positive thoughts isn’t enough. Rather then argue that point I prefer to refer to the wise words of Zig Ziglar who said, “positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” In other words, even if it only helps a little — those

Those who play the game of life TO WIN. (Take Action on what they KNOW.) Those who play the game of life to NOT TO LOSE. (Keep collecting more information and avoid taking Action.) The reason why most people do not have what they want is because their sub-concious goal is not to get what

The 80/20 rule is as applicable to individual people. Fully eighty percent of your success will be determined by your attitude and only twenty percent by your aptitude. Some people feel that attitude is ninety percent of success in all human endeavours involving other people, but we can quite comfortably use eighty percent as a

While it’s often fashionable to dwell upon what might have been, what’s usually overlooked is that really and truly, it couldn’t have. Invariably, any romanticised versions of how things “might have been,” are based upon fictionalised versions of the past.

The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of your relationships. The quality of your relationships is directly proportional to the quality of your communication. If you want a better a life, start communicating in a better way, especially the quality of your self talk. Start with asking yourself a better quality

I’ve been talking a lot about questioning skills with my clients lately and thought you might enjoy some assorted thoughts. 1) A good question can draw someone inward and . . . cause them to reflect, consider and even do so subconsciously through the awareness your question has created. 2) Good questioning allows you to

Ash won’t shrink from any player’s challenge ASHLEY LAWRENCE would have been burned at the stake or at the very least sat on a ducking chair and plunged into icy water a few hundred years ago. Anyone who reckoned he (or indeed she) could heal with the power of positive thinking would have been declared

Gills meet away day problems head on… How does a team which cannot win away for 18 months triumph twice on the road in four days? Plenty of Gillingham fans may have pondered that question on the way home from watching the 2-1 victory at Barnet on Tuesday night, which came hot on the heels