Ask better questions!

I’ve been talking a lot about questioning skills with my clients lately and thought you might enjoy some assorted thoughts.

1) A good question can draw someone inward and . . . cause them to reflect, consider and even do so subconsciously through the awareness your question has created.

2) Good questioning allows you to take control of a situation . . . without being controlling!

3) Good questions create higher quality communication. Higher quality communication fosters superior relationships. Want superior relationships? Start by asking a better question!

4) Good questions lead the recipient on a path of self discovery. You could tell someone something and perhaps they will consider it. If they discover it . . . They own it!

5) Good questions create high levels of rapport. Perhaps Voltaire was spot on when he said “Judge of a man not by his answers, but by his questions‚Äù What do your questions say about you?

6) A good question changes the lens in which a person sees their world.

7) A good question, asked of the wrong person, is just as ineffective as a poor question asked of the right person. We were taught, early on in sales, to go to the highest level of decision maker. What if we ask a brilliant question of this high level individual, but they are several layers removed from feeling the impact?

8) A good question, at the front end of a response can offer the clarity needed for you to offer a meaningful response. It will also buy you time to craft your response.

9) Good questions focus not only on discovering “the pain‚Äù, they focus on discovering the opportunities your client/prospect desires!

10) A good question can move someone off the fence of indifference by igniting emotional buy in!

So there you have it…… “If you want a better answer, ask a better question.‚Äù

Do It Now! DIN!

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