5 Things to keep doing!

1 – Keep working through your fears!

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. So don’t let fear decide your future. In the end, you can be comfortable or courageous, but not both at once.

2 – Keep being unrealistic!

To be successful, you have to be a little unrealistic. You have to believe that something totally different than what has happened for an eternity CAN happen starting now. Think about it.

Being realistic doesn’t change anything – being unrealistic does.

Doesn’t it seem a bit unrealistic to be able to use a mobile phone to instantly research any topic imaginable, watch movies, get perfect driving directions to anywhere you want to go, and see your friends face-to-face no matter where in the world you are? Fortunately a small group of computer scientists didn’t think so.

3 – Keep being willing to make mistakes!

Making mistakes is far more productive than never moving. You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy avoiding or denying them. And no matter how bad of a mistake you make, there comes a time when you have to stop thinking about it and move on.

No regrets in life – just lessons that show you the way forward.

4 – Keep thinking positive!

Thoughts are power. They create and destroy. What is possible is everything. What you do is up to you.

Look around and you will see that almost your entire life has been born out of your thoughts. Know this, and plant your seeds accordingly. You can change your mind at any moment. So go ahead and Change it, Do It Now.

5 – Keep giving what you can!

Exercise your talents to give back.

Do so whenever you can, because you can. And when you get tired, remember all those people who can’t do what you can do.

Think about what they would be willing to give to have the abilities you have right now – a simple gift you take for granted.

Then strive harder just for them. And know that there are others out there with different gifts who are doing the same for you.

Do It Now DIN!

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