Business Capacity…

Here is another gem from one of my mind-set crew!

Capacity of your business!

A strategy to stay aligned
Supporting your business forecasts combined
Avoid all unnecessary costs
You will not get your wires crossed
For knowing your fixed and variable figure
Will certainly not leave you feeling bitter.
Overheads and running rate
Do not EVER leave to fate
Remember to fully integrate
To help your figures grow and inflate
If overheads are dearer
Then this couldn’t be clearer
You may need to increase your charge
To see your bank balance enlarge.

What is your vision? Is it boutique or Scalable?
Use Capacity teachings and be able
To work out your figures by times table
To ensure your business looks attractive and saleable
Apply the 70/30 rule
This is truly an amazing tool
Do this to keep your cool
And turn your business into a jewel.

For a business that now runs more effectively
It will also allow you to increase productivity
And choose your projects and jobs selectively
So you and your business can run side by side, respectively.

Add capacity when and where its needed
And be the one who succeeded
To see the times you took hold and proceeded
To make change, adapted and acceded
At 70% you find a larger container
Treat your business like your its personal trainer
Implementing change, it couldn’t be plainer

Carrie Stay from Clockwork Moggy!

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