We’ve all been there before. You know WHAT you need to do, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it.
You feel… STUCK.
Well, here are seven quick-and- easy tricks you can use to GET MOTIVATED, in no time flat…
- Tune in! Grab your headphones and your favorite track and turn up the volume. Make sure it’s a song that will really get you pumped up.
- You’ve got to move it move it! Ever heard the phrase, “Motion creates emotion?” Well, now you have, so do it! Go for a jog, jump on a bike, or just go for a brisk walk and get the blood flowing.
- Go Zen! Find a quiet place and meditate. Spend 5 or 10 minutes and completely relax, focus on your breathing and silence your mind.
- Visualise It! What’s your motivating driver? That new sports car? Request a brochure from the dealer. A holiday to Tuscany? Print out a picture from the Internet. Now tape it to your wall and feel the excitement!
- Go Public! Want to really get your arse moving? Have your friends hold you accountable. Jump on Facebook and tell others about your BIG goal. Now update them on your progress once per day.
- Zoom Out! Take a second to see the big picture. Doing the mundane, everyday work may feel pointless but if it’s leading you to your BIG goal then it will all be worth it. Stop and think about what you’re working toward.
- Get Your ‘Blood Boilin’! Take a few minutes and write down 10 things that will happen if you DON’T get motivated. (No good, right?!) Now,rip that paper to shreds and write down ONE thing you’re going to do TODAY that will take you in the right direction.
Do you want to take your motivation, focus, and inner drive to the next level?
Have a look at one of my Millionaire Mindset Groups!!!
It’s your Life and it’s your choice!!
If you are a business or life coach and would like to get more clients please have a look at my SYSTEMS for Coaches course where you could be one of our next licensed coaches. Look here!
If you would like to look at your business in a different way then why not join one of my accountability groups?
Fancy it? Then watch this video!
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Ash is the “FlipFlopPsycho!”